54 reproducciones

Serie de Cover Artworks

Serie de Artes de Tapa para los primeros lanzamientos del sello multitalentoso VK Label

We are VK Label. We are an audiovisual label created to explore new technologies in the audiovisual field.
Our goal is without doubt “Audiovisual Art”.
On a physical level we can be found in Buenos Aires right now, but virtually and with the aid of internet, we have an almost infinit reach we might say.
We take one day at the time and we grow at a calm pace, but our results are noticeable so our doors are open to whoever wants to join us.
May art be a party for those who are willing to try and reach further in this race where life and technology go more and more by the hand. We are a new concept in labels.
VK Label staff: Designers: Clip4food, Lisa Kumagoro, Drawport. Photos: Caseros City Studio. Webmaster: Clip4food. Video: Fly J Producciones. Vice President, producer and translations: Leo Xplay0. Founder, Producer and CEO: Von Kleymont.
VK Label sounds here:

Web: VK Label on Resident Advisor

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Cover Art x 4 Prints (20 x 20 cm):


Impresiones en opalina mate con laminado en polipropileno brillante o satinado.

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Cover Art Print Transitus (30 x 30 cm):


Impresión en opalina mate con laminado en polipropileno brillante o satinado.