Audiovisual Compilation x Sweet Noise
Trabajo original a mano y proceso digital para tapa de long play (cover artwork).
Pixel Sounds CompilationSweet Noise, the audiovisual netlabel from Argentina, is proud to present its third reference; no less than a great various artist, including 15 huge latin american producers, 12 vjs and video artists, giving a visual interpretation of the tracks.
This new release includes many producers such as Ronan Portela, Omar Salgado, Franco Bianco, Jorge Savoretti, Leo Portela, Dich, Kudach, Ariel Rodz, Nico Förster, Bubbaloop, Max Donato, 08Doktor, Miguel Puente, Sueño de Panda (08Doktor & Rodrigo Rivera), and Nico Diorio. There’s no doubt about the fact that this compilation will be really hot!
Sweet Noise wants to say thanks for this incredible dream, that comes true today, with the effort of all the people that worked hard for this lovely cultural project!
Realizamos a mano alzada partes del dibujo para luego pasar a la compu y dar color, pintar y usar algunos filtros. Como siempre buscamos una combinación de los mundos analógico y digital, (real y virtual?) para lograr un plato que sea, esperamos, crocante y suave a la vez!